Trademark is a unique recognition assigned to a particular business to distinguish its goods and services from similar goods and services of other businesses. A registered trade mark helps in promoting their own products and services turning their firm to a brand. As proposed trademarks cannot be registered, if they are similar or identical to the existing trademarks. This helps in killing piracy and ensures your protection from fraud companies. Trademarks cannot be registered if they contain specially protected emblems and if they are offensive, generic, and deceptive in any manner. Trademarks will be registered under controller general of patent designs & trademarks, government of India. Trademarks are registered according to the act of Trademark, ministry of commerce and industry, which works under Government of India Once the trademark is issued it will be valid for 10 years. About to expire trademarks can be easily renewed by filling the application form for a period of another 10 years. Our COMPANY REGISTRATION team members easily navigates you to the ending process without any hassle. We ensure your trademark to get registered and the only thing you need to do is to pick a unique name or word to get your brand registered.
Aadhar card , voter id, passport, driving license for authorized signatory of the trademark application
Proof of registration must be filed like partnership deed or incorporation certificate then registration certificate
Signed Form-48 to file trademark application with trademark registrar
Our Company executives are skillful in trademark registration. so we request our clients to take our suggestion to get your trademark registered. we also offer other services of trademark like Trademark rectification, trademark objection, trademark registration