Employees state insurance acts as a social security with self-financing for Indian employees. According to the rules and regulations act of ESI ACT 1948, Employees state Insurance Corporation funds this schemes ESI provides funding for all the employees who earns less than Rs.21, 000 /- as a monthly wage. Employees are eligible to get a total share of about 6.5%, out of that state governments share would be 1/8th part in it, and central government holds with remaining 7/8th part of it. Ultimately these funds are maintained and controlled by ESI Corporation (ESIC).
Employees registered with ESIC are completely eligible to have a free medical treatments for themselves and other dependent family members.
Women employees with ESIC can be benefitted with unemployment cash benefits at certain contingencies.
Proof of PAN card
Registration certificate or the license of the employer
Latest rent receipt as address proof
Latest photograph of building
Evidence commencing the date of production example: copy of first invoice